Wednesday, May 16, 2007

30 second poses

These are all 30 sec poses shrinked to fit the page. they're all done in 800x800 pixels with Cintiq. The poses are from here Pose Maniacs. And I did all them in a row, no pauses nor erasing nor deleting the bad ones. It is actually quite fun even though these cg models don't carry their weight like a real model would.


Unknown said...


Dood that link rocked . Thank you sir. Great round of cintiq goodness!


DINTOONS said...


Andry "Shango" Rajoelina said...

excellent work! and thank you for the link, i'm gonna do the same exercise right now!

Juampa said...

Wonderfull!! It´s simple but very expressive.

HelldorinStudio said...

very great attitudes !!

Catriel Tallarico said...

ey joonas:

como estas?, todo bien?, gracias por los comentarios sobre el post "Domestico", es un libro que actualmente se esta editando en Argentina y tiene mucha aceptacion del publico, va muy bien!!!!.
como siempre es muy bueno pasar por tu blog, siempre excelentes trabajos.

saludos cordiales y estamos viendonos

Ken said...

wow, beautiful! very well captured poses

ken :D

RoB said...

Nice poses!!! You can totally feel the gestures! Great job!

Cool Blog!


Andy Latham said...

This is exactly the kind of thing I'm trying to master. I just wish I had a Cintiq to do it on! Ah well, I'll plod on with the pencil.

Fantastic stuff! A real inspiration!

Andy's Animation Portfolio
Andy's Animation Blog

Philip Dimitriadis said...

Great gestrues!!!!